The 100 Most Popular Google Keywords

The 100 Most Popular Google Keywords

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When it comes to online marketing, there are multiple techniques to reach the right audience, boost online visibility, and better your search engine ranking. With an increasing number of online searches being carried out on platforms like Google, SEO is crucial for marketing success. And nothing beats the search engine optimization techniques like concentrating on the right keywords for your content. In this write-up, we bring to you an insight into the Top 100 Google Keywords that can make a difference for your content creation. Keywords With the Highest Search Volume on Google

Methodology: How we Picked the 100 Most Popular Google Keywords

Before delving into the list of the most popular keywords on Google, allow us to explain our selection criteria. We relied on Google’s AdWords Keyword Planner to come up with these trending keywords. Our emphasis was put on picking the best keywords that are frequently searched on Google, while also evaluating their competitiveness, relevance, and popularity. Therefore, we handpicked the top 100 keywords, eliminating duplicates and picking the most searched keywords for each niche.

The Top 100 Google Keywords

While many keywords made it to the top 100, we’ve picked the top 15 of these popular keywords that you can leverage for your online content. Here they are:

1. Google

No wonder, Google takes the spot for the top most searched keywords on its own platform! Companies can take advantage of Google by ensuring their businesses are listed on Google My Business and using Google AdWords for your ads. This way, you can better your ranking on Google’s SERP for searches that include relevant keywords for your niche in Google search engine.

2. Facebook

Facebook is a popular social media platform used by millions of people across the globe. With around 2.7 billion active monthly users, it makes sense why it’s in the list of the top-keywords searched on Google. If your business wants to increase visibility and target a specific audience, Facebook Ads can come in handy to drive more traffic to your website and get more conversions.

3. YouTube

YouTube is the second most-searched associated with Google and the third most popular website globally. Businesses can tap into the video content market by posting explainer videos, demos, Q&A sessions, etc., to improve brand visibility and get more traction from customers.

4. Amazon

People go to Amazon to buy a vast array of products ranging from groceries to tech gadgets. Capitalizing on keywords like “Amazon” can help your business tap into a market with over 197 million monthly visitors. Using relevant keywords in product descriptions and reviews can improve and rank your products higher on Amazon’s SERPs, driving more sales.

5. Weather

It’s not just Internet and technology searches that make the list of top keywords. People also search for information on weather, such as temperatures, predictions, and natural events. You can concentrate on incorporating these search terms in relevant blog posts or web copy if your business covers weather updates.

6. Gmail

Gmail is one of Google’s services, and it ranks sixth on the list of most-searched keywords. Gmail Ads can allow businesses to show ads within a user’s inbox. Creating targeted advertising campaigns using Gmail sponsored promotions can make a difference in getting more leads and more conversions.

7. Multi Websites

A co-operative word for multiple, multi-websites, applies to sites that offers niche-specific resources or subdomains, But on the broader sense, having a multi website on different domains can have an extra advantage in search engine ranking. Along with backlinks and domain authority, choosing a popular subset keyword and embedding it can help your online marketing campaign.

8. Outlook

Like Gmail, Outlook is an email provider. It’s a preferred email provider mainly for businesses or corporations. Adding relevant extensions such as HubSpot or Boomerang, improving the tactics on cold emailing prospects, and vast email lists can improve your search engine rankings.

9. Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world hard, with people scrambling to find constant updates on the situation. Businesses that incorporate relevant keywords like “Coronavirus updates” on their website are more likely to attract attention from their target audience. This keyword usage can help increase traffic and sales for healthcare products. Get Fit, Gain Wealth, Improve your lifestyle

10. eBay

eBay is one of the oldest, most reliable, and largest online marketplaces globally. For individuals or businesses starting with online marketing, eBay is among the best e-commerce sites. It’s also a great platform to search for auctioned goods. Leveraging this platform to sell your products can improve your online visibility and sales.

11. News

People want to know what’s happening before it’s too late. This is why news remains a popular keyword in Google searches. For businesses that cover news updates, incorporating these keywords on their website can make more people click on their site. This, in turn, can improve the search engine rankings.

12. Instagram

Instagram is a photo-sharing app owned by Facebook. With over 1 billion monthly users, it makes sense why Instagram ranks among the top 100 searched keywords on Google. Adding an image-rich post that incorporates popular hashtags and your niche can bring more followers, conversions, and improve ranking.

13. Maps

Google Maps is an essential application as it helps people find their way to businesses. For businesses that depend on local customers, incorporating the right keywords like “directions” can help improve the ranking on Google Maps. Thus your business would be easily visible to customers searching in that specific location.

14. Translate

As the world becomes more global, businesses find themselves looking for new ways to cater to as many customers as possible. This means translating content into multiple languages. If your business caters to users who speak various languages, incorporating keywords like “translate” can result in higher search engine rankings, allowing people to find your business more easily.

15. Games

The gaming industry is enormous with millions of searches being conducted on Google yearly for games. Consistently developing games that feature unique themes and staying creative is an excellent strategy for promoting a gaming business in today’s technology-driven world.

The 100 Most Popular Google Keywords
The 100 Most Popular Google Keywords

“Uncover the power of search with Google’s Top 100 keywords and discover the endless ways to optimize your online presence!” Read more at [insert link] #SEO #keywords #marketing

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How to Use These Keywords: Tips, Techniques and Strategies

Now that we have discussed the most popular keywords on Google, it’s time to discuss how to use them. Here are a few proven tips and techniques to apply while incorporating these keywords into your SEO strategy:

1. Focus on Relevance

Your content should be relevant to the specified keyword that you’ve chosen. It shouldn’t read like you’re stuffing too many keywords into the post. Instead, make your content captivating, informative, and engaging. Make sure everything you do in SEO should all be for the users, not the search engine.

2. Research the Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are less generic terms than broad ones and are easier to rank for. For instance, “mobile phones for kids” might be a better term to rank for instead of just “mobile phones.” Once you know the most searched terms, research keywords that are linked to those particular terms.

3. Be Natural with Keyword Usage

Your keywords should fit naturally in your content. Avoid too many keywords or using a keyword in every possible sentence – this is called keyword stuffing, which can hurt your rankings.

4. Concentrate on Click-Through Rate (CTR)

A higher CTR will improve your ranking. If your Meta description or title is pushed down on the page, it loses CTR. It’s ideal to create engaging titles, meta descriptions, and engage images, making it less likely viewers would skip over your page. A/B test your Meta descriptions to see what works best.

5. Optimize for Voice Search

The rise in voice search hasn’t gone unnoticed. Make your content accessible to Google’s voice assistant; create content that answers queries that typically would lead with “how..?” or “who… ?” Conducting long tail keyword research that incorporates voice search terminology will improve your rankings on search engines.


The internet is a vast space. There are millions of websites and billions of searches per day, making it hard for businesses to get noticed. SEO is vital in helping businesses rank on search engine pages, and keywords play a significant role in this process. Understanding the most popular Google keywords can help businesses tailor their content to audience preferences, increasing traffic and sales in the process. Incorporating SEO, with an emphasis on keywords that drive traffic to your website and other online contents, can help you stay competitive and boost your online reputation. What is the sandwich diet?

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